
Monday Jul 03, 2023
The 2023 Evergreen Park Independence Day Parade
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Monday Jul 03, 2023
Listen to the Evergreen Park Independence Day Parade from our party at 95th & Turner. Appearing on this episode are Coach Ram (EPCHS), Mark Marzullo (Village Trustee), Norm Anderson (Village Trustee), Frank Murray (EP Library, EPCC President), Father Paul Guzman (MHR, USMC/Navy Chaplain), Sara Klein (Former EPCC President, AAA), The EPCHS Marching Band, the Chicago Stockyard Kilty Band and more! We also have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jun 26, 2023
Summer Funnin’ With Mayor Kelly Burke
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Monday Jun 26, 2023
Evergreen Park Mayor Kelly Burke answers all of our questions as the village prepares for a massive Independence Day Celebration. We also check out the new Spoke & Vine Wine Bar as it finally opens at 95th & Kedzie. Plus, we visit Cravings. They've been scooping ice cream for decades and will join our "Battle of Evergreen Park" tournament! We also have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jun 19, 2023
That’s A Pretty Amazing Eraser!
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Monday Jun 19, 2023
Frank Murray drops by with fabulous prizes and a massive kids musician coming to Evergreen Park. Amy Kazin from EPCHS also joins us with a summer performance that your kids will love. We also chat with her about the upcoming Evergreen Park Independence Day Parade and the unique way the marching band prepares for it. We also have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jun 12, 2023
Beware Of The Drone
Monday Jun 12, 2023
Monday Jun 12, 2023
This week The EP Podcast announces the first ever "Battle of Evergreen Park!" We need your help selecting the 16 seeds that will go head-to-head for the right to be called Evergreen Park's Best. Hannah's dating life also takes a turn when she is introduced to a bossy 5-year old. Find out how you can march in the Independence Day Parade this year. We have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Evergreen Park 911
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Tuesday Jun 06, 2023
Lt. Ed Dunn of the Evergreen Park Fire Department talks 9-1-1, cars who do the wrong things when fire trucks drive past, and a great public safety event for area seniors. Gavin Yeaman of EP Public Works has updates on projects concerning local parks, streets and tree planting. (You can get a free tree!) The StingRays stop by before their upcoming free EP Concert in the Park. Plus, we have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tales From The Front
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Eric Herrera joins us for a special post-Memorial Day episode to tell some stories from his time serving this country in Iraq. Listen as he describes a Christmas night that started with an "uh-oh" feeling and ended with a terrible explosion. We're also counting down the days until school drop-off ends for the summer after observing some pretty ridiculous behavior. Plus, we have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday May 22, 2023
The Author & The Olympics
Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Former Central Middle School teacher Rebecca Garner has released her book "Why Won't My Boobs Grow...And Other Annoyances" to help young girls deal with growing up. She joins us along with Tom Elliot - the new guy charged with promoting local business for the Evergreen Park Chamber of Commerce. Learn just how hard it is to be a criminal in The EP. Plus, we have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday May 15, 2023
Burglar Alarms, Bribes & Rainbow Cone
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
Hear how a local crook was caught because his own burglar alarm went off, along with the expansion of Rainbow Cone from the original location, as Lorraine Swanson gives us three minutes of news from The Patch. Frank Murray from the Evergreen Park Public Library is bribing your kids to read this summer as well...and he's pulling out some cool stuff you may not expect! Plus, we have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday May 08, 2023
Who Bought Porter Cullens?
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Kirtan Gandhi just bought himself an Irish Pub on 99th Street, and he sits down with us to explain how it all went down. Why did he want Porter Cullens and what's next for the Evergreen Park neighborhood fixture? Hannah meets a guy in a drive-thru, and he joins us with his story. Plus, we have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday May 01, 2023
It’s Gonna Be May!
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
There is so much going on in Evergreen Park as the calendar flips to May! Lorraine Swanson of your local Patch tells us about a dangerous swatting trend hitting schools just outside of the village. Glenn Pniewski shares some personal news along with big community trips, the Independence Day Parade plans, and summer concerts you can enjoy for free in two different parks. We also meet Twizzle, our first live caller on Thursday night's livestream, in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!