
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Football Friday & The Champion of Evergreen Park!
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
Thursday Aug 24, 2023
The exciting conculsion of The Battle of Evergreen Park decides if locals residents prefer donuts or pizza! EPCHS Head Football Coach Jim Ramazinski also kicks off another season of FOOTBALL FRIDAY with a look at the 2023 schedule, his team and what you can expect from the Mustangs!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Tuesdays & Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
The Art of Evergreen Park
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Tuesday Aug 22, 2023
Local artist Dan Doyle has a fun way to walk through Evergreen Park on September 16th to see butterflies, backyard mazes, public murals, (spots for casual drinking), and a concert. Hear about the slightly underground community event coming soon! We also have the Final Two in the "Battle of Evergreen Park!" You can also get some tips when it comes to protecting and growing your money. Plus, get all your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
VOTE NOW for the winner of The Battle of Evergreen Park!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Tuesdays & Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Thursday Aug 17, 2023
UPDATE: The Battle of Evergreen Park Final 4
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
The EP Podcast updates "The Battle of Evergreen Park" in this quick drop. Hearthe results of the Elite 8 and who made the FINAL FOUR!
VOTE in the FINAL FOUR HERE! Plus, get all your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good" by subscribing today!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Tuesdays & Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Aug 14, 2023
The Elite Eight of Evergreen Park
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
By the time this episode ends, eight teams will remain in The Battle of Evergreen Park...and several upsets occurred this week. Did your favorite survive? Is your bracket busted? Get the results and get ready for The Elite 8! Mike Brazel of Northwest School's Boosters announces a new fundraiser that should interest a lot of local artisan vendors. Plus, get all your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
VOTE NOW to determine The Final Four!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Tuesdays & Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
UPDATE: The Battle of Evergreen Park Sweet 16
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
The EP Podcast updates "The Battle of Evergreen Park" in this 3-minute quick drop. Hear how it is going as the Sweet 16 is underway!
CLICK HERE TO VOTE! Plus, get all your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good" by subscribing today!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Aug 07, 2023
The Battle Of Evergreen Park Begins!
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Voting begins this week as 18 incredible establishments go head-to-head to see who the people of Evergreen Park see as the best of the best. We break down all four regions with visits to Tavern In The Green, Rosangela's, Durbins and Thithi's. Who can pull off the upset? Who has the tradition and history to dominate the field? Who's Hungry?!?! CLICK HERE TO VOTE! Plus, get all your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Battles, Bands & Back To School
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
We sit down with District 124 Superintendent Dr Jenna Woodland to talk about the current state of Evergreen Park's public schools, why they hired an architect, and the upcoming Back To School Bash. The complete brackets and matchups are also announced for "The Battle of Evergreen Park." Who will reign supreme? And we chat with The Smiley Tillmon Band before their free concert on Friday night. Get all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Stuffed Animal Shenanigans
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Jenna Harte-Wisniewski wants your kids to leave their stuffed animals at the Evergreen Park Library so she can play with them overnight and film their shenanigans. We unveil the complete list of participants in "The Battle of Evergreen Park!" Plus, we give you the sounds of this past weekend's Music Fest at the American Legion as we prepare for this week's Picnic In The Park event. Get all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jul 17, 2023
Whiskey & Harmony
Monday Jul 17, 2023
Monday Jul 17, 2023
We welcome Whiskey & Harmony before they headline Music Fest at The American Legion this weekend. After tragedy strikes at Evergreen Park's Marianos, we're joined by Lorraine Swanson of The Patch with details including how the Evergreen Park Police Department responded to what was initially an active shooter call. And more seeds are announced for "The Battle of Evergreen Park!" Get all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!

Monday Jul 10, 2023
EPCHS Creates A Gem For All Of Evergreen Park
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
EPCHS Basketball Coach Jim Sexton has a new job, and it sounds like a place you would want to visit. There's an outdoor public pool (witha splash pad on the way), an indoor baseball field, workout facilities, tennis, pickleball, golf simulators and more. It's right here in Evergreen Park! We also have all of your weekly local news, stories, events and laughs in "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Thursday evenings watch live on YouTube! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbors Chris & Hannah at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!