The Village of Evergreen Park has partnered with WasteNot to provide a composting option for all interested residents. Just in time for Earth Day the new option is rolling out. We have the founder and CEO of WasteNot, Liam Donnelly, to answer all of your questions. Get the latest programs and events from the EP Recreation Department, plus take a trip down memory lane with the author of Last Comiskey. Evergreen Park's Podcast is "30 Minutes of Good!"
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! Evergreen Park residents join Chris Lanuti at his 9-foot homemade basement bar each week. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!