It's a super-sized episode bringing you the Top 5 Moments on The EP Podcast in 2022 in front of a live audience at Open Outcry Brewing Company. We checked the listener stats and found the moments, guests and episodes that were heard the most by folks in and around Evergreen Park. From the local kid finding out she made the Olympic team to the principal that made national news, we have the biggest local stories of the year. Plus, we find out that our favorite brewery is bringing beer to several Evergreen Park locations next month. Join us for "FORTY Minutes of Good" to close out the year and head into 2023!
Brought to you by The First National Bank of Evergreen Park! Find the account that is right for you AND get your FREE EP Podcast Car Magnet there today! Get the latest news and information concerning everything going on in and around Evergreen Park and stay connected to your neighbors! New On-Demand Podcasts release on Mondays, with weekend specials on some Fridays. Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbor Chris Lanuti at a 9-foot homemade basement bar. Listen, interact & get all of your free subscription options at theEPpodcast.com!