Evergreen Park Mayor James Sexton sits down with Chris for a discussion about his life, the direction of Evergreen Park and the upcoming holiday season. In this revealing interview the mayor talks about his battle back to health after contracting West Nile Virus a few years ago. He also talks about new police initiatives by the EPPD this holiday season, business development in The EP and how the village works with Chicago and Oak Lawn. Plus, our "Good People of Evergreen Park" contest continues! You could win cash and prizes just for being a good person! Every week Evergreen Park residents join their neighbor Chris Lanuti in his 9-foot homemade oak bar in his basement for "30 Minutes of Good". Got something to say? Call us at 708-459-8406 anytime and leave a message. #30MinutesOfGood #EvergreenPark #WeAreEvergreen